We are advocates for environmental stewardship.

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We practice in a city that is at the forefront of environmental leadership. New York’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2050, to produce zero waste by 2030 and to become more resilient in the face of changing climate, has served as a foundation for our work both in the City and beyond.
We recognize the opportunity in our projects to demonstrate environmental leadership through innovation, education, and advocacy. BKSK was responsible for the design of the first civic building in NYC to earn a LEED Platinum certification, the first new Passive House project approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission, and for creating educational environments that grow the next generation of environmental citizens.
We recognize the cultural and ecological value of existing buildings. We seek creative solutions to adapt and reuse, taking advantage of the inherent embodied energy and carbon while preserving the fabric of our neighborhoods. In all of our work, the environmental context informs design, and the project reveals itself as integral to the ecology of the site – in an intense urban setting or a natural landscape.
We believe that sustainable design requires a collaborative ethos. We work closely with our clients to set goals and to identify opportunities in every project. We have built long-term relationships with experts and innovators who are integral to our process from early design. We work closely with our partners in the building industry, contractors, craftsman, and manufacturers – recognizing that a project’s success is in its realization.
Considerations of building performance is integral to our design process, with a first focus on passive design strategies. We use iterative design modeling tools in early stage design to simulate, test and assess options. We use certifications and rating systems as tools for benchmarking and for analyzing performance. We work to create healthy environments and to limit the use of natural resources.
“For more than 20 years, BKSK has worked with the Queens Botanical Garden on several projects which heighten an awareness of the natural environment, to educate generations of environmental citizens.”
– Susan Lacert, Executive Director, Queens Botanical Garden