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Queens Botanical Garden Master Plan
Project Type
Cultural & CivicOccupancy
2007, 2020Location
43-50 Main Street, Flushing, NYClient
Queens Botanical GardenBKSK has been working with the Queens Botanical Garden on several projects over many years, in several phases of work, starting with the master plan in 2005. This ongoing-client relationship has yielded a creative collaboration process beginning with the Visitor and Administration Building, which is the first public building to achieve LEED Platinum in New York State, built in 2007. The success of this project was, in part, due to our participatory role in the Garden’s Master Plan process and followed by our design for the Parking Garden and Maintenance Building. Our relationship with the Garden has continued over the years as we designed the PDC approved Compost Center, a conceptual plan for the Kids Culture Garden to support their fund-raising efforts, and an updated Master Plan adopted in 2020 that include new buildings planned, such as the Education Building . Our long relationship with QBG is a testament to our commitment to our clients and our deep belief in the role architecture can play in reinforcing institutional mission.
NYC Department of Design & Construction – construction administration
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Scott Stefan, Queens Botanical Garden