July 19, 2023
QBG Education Center Receives Public Design Commission Award
Read about the QBG Education Center and other projects recognized with a design award by the NYC Public Design Commission this year.
BKSK attended New York City’s Annual Public Design Commission Awards last Wednesday at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library, which honored the Queens Botanical Garden Education Building for its design excellence in the public realm.
We were joined by Oehme, Van Sweden Principal Sara Downing, who worked meticulously with BKSK to develop a strong indoor-outdoor relationship between building and landscape. The project is imbued with materials, biodiversity, and connections that embody the educational philosophy of the building.
As NYC’s design review agency, PDC is an advocate on behalf of innovation, sustainability, and equitability in New York’s public realm. We eagerly await the construction of the new education building and its future impacts on the community of QBG visitors.
Special congratulations to Queens Botanical Garden and Oehme, Van Sweden!