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Gothamist: “Queens Botanical Garden in Flushing announces largest-ever philanthropic gift”

June 7, 2023

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Architecture as Advocacy: A tour of QBG’s Visitor & Administration Center

October 10, 2016

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Five leading-edge insights into today’s educational spaces

August 18, 2015

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Tour the Queens Botanical Garden on “Archtober” 4th

August 14, 2015

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Making news by making place in two New York parks and beyond

July 31, 2015

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Joan Krevlin to discuss “The World of Tomorrow, Today”

July 15, 2015

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Built by Women NYC exhibition opens

March 3, 2015

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100 sites, 5 boroughs, and countless female builders

February 24, 2015

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Flushing Meadow-Corona Park: An incubator of innovation

September 25, 2014

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Drawing connections to the 1964/65 World’s Fair site

August 12, 2014